Yevgeny Prigozhin: Who is the man challenging Putin?

He may have turned around in the last meters. But Yevgeny Prigozhin is sure to have his place in the history books. The leader of the Wagner mercenary group has openly rebelled against his patron Vladimir Putin, and the head of the Kremlin calls him a traitor. Who is the man?

Today, Yevgeny Prigozhin delivers Tod to order. It used to be finger food.

Even the man who is making Moscow’s elite livid these hours and, according to his own statements, has around 25,000 warriors at his side, started out small.

Now, overnight, the 62-year-old leader of the notorious mercenary group Wagner has gone from being Vladimir Putin’s favorite to Russia’s number one public enemy.

Who is the shaved head who swears all the time?

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