Yes, an abbot really compared Jacques Chirac to a mouthpiece for Lucifer

The Church is in turmoil. “This cult of secularism is the rejection of God”, can we hear the man who is presented as an Abbot say. On social networks, this video published last year is again shared several thousand times.

The man then affirms that “immoral laws are voted” and that “vices are encouraged, legalized, reimbursed”, targeting in particular abortion and marriages between people of the same sex which he describes as “against nature”. And to continue: “This claim to freedom of conscience, to freedom of expression, to freedom of thought, is the freedom to refuse God’s revelation. It is an echo of that cry of Lucifer. The abbot even goes so far as to compare Jacques Chirac to a Lucifer megaphone.

The most viewed publication is from the Fide Post, which presents itself as a Catholic media founded in Strasbourg in 2015. the political reign of Satan,” they wrote to accompany the famous video.


If such remarks by a man of the Church seem surprising to you, they have nevertheless indeed been made. It was Father François-Marie Chautard who gave this speech on May 2, 2021, on the occasion of the annual words of the Saint Pie X Institute. A longer video is available on YouTube channel of the church of Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet, to which the abbot belongs, presented under the name of: “We live in a Luciferian era”. The passage broadcast on Twitter begins at the 4th minute.

Father Chautard is therefore part of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint-Pie-X (FSSPX). It is a society of traditionalist priests, without canonical status within the Catholic Church. The Society has been in a state of schism with the Church since 1988, the year in which Archbishop Lefebvre, the founder, decided to ordain four bishops, without the consent of the pope. A provocation that earned the five men immediate excommunication.

In 2009, Benedict XVI lifted the excommunication weighing on the four bishops. But no agreement was ever reached. Today, several hundred Society priests remain considered illicit by the Vatican. The organization is thus closely monitored by the Interministerial Mission for Vigilance and the Fight against Sectarian Aberrations (Miviludes).

Can the Abbot be expelled for his remarks?

For Internet users, these remarks are inadmissible and reprehensible. Many are those who apostrophize the Minister of the Interior: “We are waiting for Darmanin’s reaction to have him expelled, it is urgent! Because if the video is old, for some it echoes the recent case of Imam Hassan Iquioussen, file S, who was to be expelled. The procedure is currently suspended, a decision of the administrative court against which the ministry of Place Beauvau appealed.

“When these words are spoken by an imam he is expelled, but by a Catholic nothing is done… Curious! “, was indignant a user. Deputy Nupes of the 3rd constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis, Thomas Portes also reacted : “Separatism alert@GDarmanin! Your silence questions! »

If the two stories are close, they cannot be settled in the same way. The imam in question does not have French nationality. Without the French document, he can therefore be expelled following a court decision. Father François-Marie Chautard has French nationality. In fact, there is no possible expulsion, even if his words go against the values ​​currently defended by France.

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