Yannick Jadot, who does not believe in a “crushed” campaign, wants to “do everything” to defend his ideas

Presidential candidate Yannick Jadot wished on Saturday, on the sidelines of a meeting with citizens on democracy, that environmentalist ideas be “exposed and understood” to get out of the “status quo for the worse” proposed according to him by Emmanuel Macron. “I do not believe that the campaign is crushed, it would be serious for our country if it were”, by the international crisis around the war in Ukraine, he explained to the press before going to a meeting. demonstration for Ukraine.

“There are a lot of fears and weariness about our social project. The French must be able to decide, ”he said. “We will do everything to ensure that our ideas are exposed and understood. For him, “when you read Emmanuel Macron’s letter, it’s […] a worse status quo. He wants to go back to nuclear power, an even more productive agriculture, more GMOs and fewer peasants”.

“Structural and cyclical responses”

“Our environmental project provides structural and cyclical responses, especially in the historic moment that we are living, with climate chaos, the energy war, all these brutal crises”, he defended. The candidate considers this campaign “very important, it is a moment of political revelation, the principles, statures and values ​​of the candidates will be revealed”.

For him, “never has a political campaign had so much political responsibility and relevance”, he added, believing that “basically, the French have everything to decide on the model of society they want. “. The ecologist met “the Assembly of possibilities”, about thirty citizens distant from politics who sent him their proposals for democracy, some of which will be taken up by the candidate.

For example, he “greatly liked” “the idea that there could be one week of commitment per year”, for employees who would like to get involved in an association or a particular action and “which would be supported by the reduction of working time and by the State”. Yannick Jadot also felt that “volunteer status” was needed. “There must be some form of remuneration, why not in the form of quarters upon retirement, to recognize that civic engagement serves society”.

The candidate also mentioned the idea of ​​a “1% of citizen democracy”, that is to say “1% of all funding for political life (campaign, elected officials, etc.) which would go to associations working on bills or counter-bills”. “A kind of fund of citizen democracy,” he said.

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