Yannick Jadot hopes for the “gathering” of the left in January around his name

All together but behind me. Yannick Jadot returns to the offensive to encourage the union of his camp in 2022. The environmental candidate for the presidential election “hopes” for a “rally” of the left in January behind his candidacy, and considers victory possible, explains t he in an interview with Sunday Newspaper.

“I say to socialists as to all progressives: join us! Let’s build together the alternation of a five-year term of ecological renunciation, social regression and democratic collapse “, he launches before expressing a wish:” In January, I hope that we will collectively give ourselves the means. of a gathering ”.

Anne Hidalgo also wants to win the stake on the left

For Yannick Jadot, “the French expect solutions to meet the challenges of the climate, life, health and their demand for social justice. It is therefore around our project, the environmental project, that a rallying dynamic must be initiated ”.

To the criticisms of the PS candidate Anne Hidalgo, who claims to be the only one to reconcile the ecological imperative with social justice, the candidate who won the ecological primary replies that “environmentalists have no lesson to learn.” “We are the only ones”, he pleads, “to undertake with ambition the projects of reduction of constrained expenses: on housing, transport, electricity and heating, food… Ecology is the best ally of purchasing power as it is of employment. We support the revaluation of wages in the private as in the public. The school and the public hospital are at the heart of our great plan to repair the country ”.

“A campaign is successful when its project resonates with public opinion, when it responds to the concerns of the French, when it opens a new page in our national story”, further describes the candidate: “I only see ecology for reconcile with our future and with each other. With Zemmour, the entry threshold for the second round has dropped. There is a prospect of ecological and social victory. We can win “.

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