XXL reptile: 3.5 meter tall alligator suddenly runs across the street in Texas

See the video: after 30 minutes of wrestling – giant alligator safely under control again.

Correctly seen: Here lies a 3.5 meter tall alligator.

After the animal unsettled local residents by walking down the middle of a main street in Texas, it has now been captured.

Bayou City Gator Savers’ alligator rescuers manage to get the giant reptile safely under control after a 30-minute struggle.

They then cover the alligator’s eyes with a cloth and use a tow truck as a winch to get it to safety.

“I’d say it’s been a pretty busy day, definitely one for the books,” said an Alligator Rescue worker

Local police said, among other things, “The alligator was safely captured and is in the possession of Animal Rescue.”

The alligator population was very endangered when crocodile skin bags and clothing became fashionable.

Since then, the animals have been protected in China and America. In North America and parts of South America in particular, the population of most species is increasing again.

In the southern states of the USA there is now an annual shooting quota for the regulation of stocks, which has to be met at a certain time of the year.

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