“X-Factor: The Unbelievable”: Only that is shown on Halloween

“X-Factor: The Incredible”
Only that is shown on Halloween

Cult presenter and storyteller Jonathan Frakes conducts “X-Factor: The Unbelievable”.

© RTLZWEI / Ara Soudjian

On Halloween RTLzwei shows “X-Factor: The Unbelievable” episodes all day. And there is a completely new episode for prime time.

Cult presenter and storyteller Jonathan Frakes (69) has been teaching creeps for more than two decades. Now, “X-Factor: The Unbelievable” returns to the screens with new stories. And not only that. On Halloween RTLzwei shows cult episodes of the mystery crime series all day long and the new episode at prime time.

Brand new stories with German stars

As always, truth and fiction are very close to one another. What is based on real facts and what is fictitious? The stories of the new episode are called “lucky numbers”, “candle in the forest”, “awakening the gift” and “everything has its place”. The film was shot on locations in Los Angeles and Germany.

The cast includes well-known actors such as the Munich actor and comedian Simon Pearce (40, “Nobody asked me”, “Tatort: ​​Der Finger”) or the Cologne actor Kais Setti (born 1985, “Dogs of Berlin”, ” Crime scene: Wrath of God “).

In the first episode, which is about fortune telling, another familiar face predicts the lucky numbers: Gronkh (44). The Braunschweig native, whose name was Erik Range, is a network legend and, with five million subscribers, an influential YouTuber and streamer in Germany.

Special programming starts at 9 a.m.

RTLzwei will show “X-Factor: The Unbelievable” on October 31st from 9 am. The new episode airs at 8:15 p.m. and can also be seen on TVNow.


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