Writer Rachel Cusk: “I’m just getting started.” – Society

In England she was considered one of the most controversial authors, now the writer Rachel Cusk has moved to Paris in her mid-50s. A conversation about motherhood, femininity in old age and the loss of contact with her parents.

Interviewed by

Julia Rothhaas

If you want to visit Rachel Cusk in her rented apartment near the Jardin du Luxembourg, you first have to text the writer. She then passes on the two codes for the two front doors. From their large living room on the 5th floor you have an incredible panoramic view of Paris: Is that the Panthéon over there? “Maybe. I always get confused with all these domes,” says the 54-year-old. While her husband, an artist, can be heard chatting and laughing happily in a video conference next door, she makes herself comfortable on the sofa, holding a black e-cigarette, which she puffs vigorously between her answers.

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