“Wounded” by their bishop, they go on strike for the quest

War is declared. Two parishes from Isère, in which Mass is celebrated in Latin, have decided to go on strike for the quest… No more a single cent will be paid until their bishop receives them, they threaten in a press release sent to 20 minutes.

The faithful of the Saint-André collegiate church in Grenoble and those of the Notre-Dame de l’Isle parish in Vienne have not wavered since the rant of Bishop Guy de Kerimel. The archbishop of the diocese of Grenoble got angry in a letter of September 2 addressed to the whole diocese, attacking the Catholics “who question the mass of Paul VI and John Paul II until they suspect it of ‘invalidity or even declare it such’. “The matter is becoming serious”, the man of the Church loses his temper.

“When some of the faithful prefer to miss Sunday Mass rather than participate in a liturgy approved by Saints Paul VI and John Paul II, there is cause for serious concern,” storms the bishop without ever naming the two parishes.

“A caricature out of step with reality”

These, however, felt targeted. “This text hurt us enormously. The 500 or so faithful who frequent these two places of worship absolutely do not recognize themselves in this caricature which is seriously out of step with reality, ”they declare. And to argue: “No, these parishioners do not think that the mass in ordinary form is invalid. No, these parishioners do not refuse to take Communion there. No, these parishioners do not miss Sunday Mass when they are not in the extraordinary form. No, they do not think that the priests ordained by our bishop are not priests. “

According to the “rumors”, the bishop would have decided to exclude the two priests celebrating the mass in Latin in the aforementioned parishes. This is refused by the faithful who have come together in an association, Afsan. “While we deplore the lack of vocations, can the diocese really do without two priests? “, They question, denouncing a” brutal approach “.

The ultimatum is posed: to obtain an “immediate” meeting or the strike of the quest and the money of the Church. “Monsignor de Kerimel has not visited our communities for seven years. He did not respond to the hundreds of emails and letters requesting a meeting with him. We publicly ask him for an immediate meeting so that he understands what this community really is and that he gives us pledges on the maintenance of our priests ”, they conclude.

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