World War II – Foundation deals with Krupp’s crime – economy

The Krupp Foundation, the largest shareholder in the Thyssenkrupp Group, wants to deal with war crimes committed by its namesake, Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach. “He has undoubtedly taken guilt, about which by no means everything has already been said and written,” says Ursula Gather, head of the board of trustees. The foundation is now once again dealing with the guilt of the last owner of the Krupp steel company. “In the post-war period, this was clearly inadequate,” said Gather. Krupp had manufactured weapons and employed slave labor during World War II. Alfried Krupp was convicted in the Nuremberg trials in 1948. After his death in 1967, his fortune was transferred to the non-profit foundation in Essen, which maintains an extensive archive.

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