World AIDS Day on December 1st –

Press release No. 284 from November 29, 2023

The District Council for Youth, Family and Health informs:

World AIDS Day was first celebrated on December 1, 1988 by the WHO (World Health Organization) was launched. Since then, various organizations around the world have used this day as an opportunity to show solidarity HIV-To show positive people and people suffering from AIDS and people close to them. World AIDS Day also commemorates those affected by the consequences of HIV and AIDS died. Around 38 million people live with it worldwide HIV. Not everyone has access to the medication that can save their lives. The aim of the World AIDS Day campaign is for all people to have unhindered access to information about HIV/AIDS and their protective options and everyone HIV-positive access to medical treatments.

This year the campaign’s motto is World AIDS Day “To live with HIV. Different than you think?”
people with HIV give an insight into their lives. It becomes clear: HIV no longer has to play the main role in everyday life. A relaxed and respectful coexistence between people with and without HIV is already a given for many people. Still, discrimination is powerful HIV-Positive people often still find their lives unnecessarily difficult. Prejudice and ignorance are usually the reason. Some people still fear transmission of the virus in everyday life and therefore keep their distance, even though there is no reason for this.

In the Center for Sexual Health and Family Planning Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg are offers for HIV-Prevention is a key concern.

Employees are supporting the campaign in the immediate vicinity of the health department with an information stand and the opportunity to exchange ideas.

  • Where? Südstern, square in front of the subway (U 7), entrance Körtestr.
  • When? December 1, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m

“Outdated myths about HIV and its transmission often stigmatize those affected and thus may negatively influence the protective and testing behavior of young people who are at the highest risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI) to infect. Prevention work therefore has the task of continually starting anew in order to stop the spread of HIV to address them preventively and to provide support for those affected. De-stigmatizing and contemporary prevention work is important in order to strengthen self-confidence and health in the long term.” emphasizes District Councilor for Youth, Family and Health, Max Kindler, this year’s motto for World AIDS Day and thanks the commitment of the colleagues at the Center for Sexual Health for their commitment.

Contact persons:
Center for Sexual Health and Family Planning Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (030) 90298-8363

Press contact:
[email protected]
Telephone: (030) 90298-2843

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