World AIDS Day: Frankfurt Health Department offers free HIV tests

(Symbolic photo: Mat Napo on Unsplash)

Just come by and get tested: The Frankfurt Health Department is offering free HIV tests on the occasion of World AIDS Day next Friday, December 1st. Between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. you can be tested without prior registration at the examination and advice center for sexual and reproductive health, Breite Gasse 28, room 2.13. Tests for syphilis, hepatitis B and C are also possible on this day against payment of the laboratory costs. These are between 10 and 23 euros per test.

“The free tests on World AIDS Day are a tradition in our company,” says Dr. Peter Tinnemann, head of the health department. “Even though AIDS and HIV are no longer ubiquitous and diseases are no longer guaranteed to be fatal, it is still extremely important to provide information about them and offer low-threshold testing options. With our free consultation and testing offer, we want to help remove taboos and reduce the number of late diagnoses.”

World AIDS Day has taken place on December 1st every year since 1988. It affirms the rights of HIV-positive people worldwide and calls for coexistence without prejudice and exclusion.

(Text: PM Health Department Frankfurt)

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