Works, change of boiler, provisional budget… How are you preparing for the rise in energy prices?

Russia no longer supplies France with its gas and the French nuclear fleet is partly unavailable because of corrosion problems. So, a word is on everyone’s lips: “shortage”, and this ugly term plays to scare us, in duet with its terrible sidekick, the rise in prices.

This winter, turning on the light, putting on the heating and anything that involves gas or electricity consumption is likely to be expensive, unless the energy defense council chaired by Emmanuel Macron on Friday changes the situation.

Do you anticipate a rise in energy prices this winter? How do you prepare for it? Have you put money aside to deal with it? Are you going to change your habits, do work at home or modify your equipment (boiler, radiator, household appliances, etc.)? Which ? You can testify by filling out the form below. Your testimonials will be used to write an article. Thanks in advance.

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