Working differently: Equal wages for everyone – economy

At the Hamburg shower company Premium, the boss gets the same hourly wage as the truck driver. Is that fair? And how does motivation work if not through salary? A visit to the collective.


Saskia Aleythe, Hamburg

work differently

The SZ series “Working differently” explains what you need to know about the working world of the future and shows which companies are successful with their ideas – or not. All episodes can be found on this overview page.

Actually, they could also sell chairs or wastepaper baskets, says Uwe Lübbermann. The product doesn’t really matter, his company is about the work. Therefore, to work differently, better. However, you probably wouldn’t be sitting here on these stairs next to the Golden Pudel Club in Hamburg with a chair or wastepaper basket seller. Twenty years ago they sold the cola here that Lübbermann sells under the Premium name, and there are now elderflower soda and mate.

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