Work to restore the Saint-Melaine church which is taking water

Capped with an imposing statue of the Virgin, its dome overhangs the gate which marks the entrance to the famous Thabor park. In Rennes, the Notre-Dame-en-Saint-Melaine church is one of the must-see places to visit, especially for the beauty of its stained glass windows. But the abbey church, built from the 6th century onwards and which was a cathedral from 1803 to 1844, during the reconstruction work on Saint-Pierre cathedral, today bears the weight of the years.

On rainy days, water infiltrates the interior of the church. – J. Gicquel / 20 Minutes

As soon as it rains, water seeps in through the roof. “We must put basins to prevent the drops from falling on the ground,” says Father Nicolas Guillou, parish priest. Alerted several times, the city, owner of the premises, therefore commissioned an architectural firm to carry out a diagnosis. “The studies have confirmed the need to restore the building,” said the municipality.

Work at least until the end of 2023

This Monday evening, this work was discussed at the city council, with the release of an envelope of 1.8 million euros to finance the restoration of the church. The priority of the site, which will begin in the last quarter of 2022, will be to take over the roofs of the four collaterals.

The work will focus on the restoration of the wooden frames, the replacement of the slates, the restoration of the stained glass window and the west door, and the upgrading of the electrical installations. The site is expected to last at least fourteen months with completion scheduled for the end of 2023.

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