Women & Girls: Feminist Women’s Politics as a Human Rights Concept

women & girls
Feminist women’s politics as a human rights concept

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) on the fringes of the 77th general debate at the UN General Assembly in New York. photo

© Michael Kappeler/dpa

What if men weren’t allowed to do what they wanted with their bodies? Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock gave a clear answer to this question at a panel discussion in New York.

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock wants to advance the strengthening of women’s rights as a central element of international politics. “Feminist foreign policy is not a European or Western concept. It is a universal human rights concept,” said the Green politician at an event on feminist foreign policy on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York. Baerbock named women’s health and reproductive rights as issues of global importance.

The foreign ministers of Sweden and Canada, Ann Linde and Melanie Joly, as well as their counterparts from the Netherlands, Chile, Liberia and Mongolia took part in the panel discussion chaired by Baerbock.

Many countries are lagging behind when it comes to women’s health and their reproductive rights, criticized Baerbock, who has been the first woman and mother of two little girls to head the Foreign Office in Berlin for nine months. There is often a fundamental violation of human rights here. If you imagine that there are national or European regulations and laws that say that men are not allowed to do what they want with their bodies – there would be an outcry all over the world, said the minister.

“When women are safe, everyone in society is safe,” said Baerbock, one of the central approaches in her concept. Conversely, “if women are not safe, no one in a country is safe” – this can currently be seen in Iran.

After the death of a 22-year-old in police custody, there are demonstrations there to denounce the death of the woman and to demand clarification. The young woman was arrested by the moral and religious police last Tuesday because of her “un-Islamic outfit”. She fell into a coma and died in a hospital on Friday. According to the police, the young woman had heart problems and fainted at the station.

Baerbock sees the feminist foreign policy she promotes as a central approach to the international enforcement of human rights, democracy and the rule of law. She repeatedly emphasizes that women’s rights are an indicator of the free and democratic state of society.


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