Woman found lifeless: suspect caught in hotel after violent crime

Woman found dead
Suspect arrested after violent crime in hotel

A 34-year-old Ukrainian is wanted on an international arrest warrant. He was finally arrested on a train near Regensburg. The man is said to have violently killed a Ukrainian woman in a hotel in Trier a few days earlier. The investigators do not rule out a relationship crime.

After the violent death of a 38-year-old in Trier, the police arrested a 34-year-old man. The Ukrainian suspect was arrested on Saturday night on a train near Regensburg, the police in Trier said. The 34-year-old was wanted with an international arrest warrant. He allowed himself to be arrested by federal police officers without resistance.

According to the police, the suspect is to be brought before an investigating judge at the Regensburg district court and taken into custody after the international arrest warrant has been issued. Since the crime scene principle exists, the man will then be transferred to Trier, said a police spokesman.

The 34-year-old is said to have killed the woman in a hotel in downtown Trier a few days ago. There the victim was found dead. According to earlier information from the investigators, the woman from Ukraine fled to Germany with several family members before the war. According to the current knowledge, the 38-year-old is said to have taken the train from Merzig to Trier in Rhineland-Palatinate unaccompanied. There she met the 34-year-old she knew, who is said to have last lived in Poland. It was initially unclear why the meeting took place. The two are said to have moved into a room in the hotel. That’s where it actually happened.

According to earlier information, the investigators had not ruled out a relationship crime. The victim was found while the hotel staff was cleaning. The family members who were in Saarland reported the woman to the local police as missing last Sunday.

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