Wolfgang Schäuble should receive an act of mourning

Mourning for CDU politicians
Steinmeier orders state ceremony for Wolfgang Schäuble

Wolfgang Schäuble giving a speech in the Bundestag

© Maja Hitij / Getty Images

It is an honor that can only be initiated by the head of state: According to the wishes of Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the late Christian Democrat Wolfgang Schäuble is to be honored with a state act.

Great sadness at home and abroad over the death of German politican: The long-time CDU politician died at the age of 81 and Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier ordered a state funeral for him.

Wolfgang Schäuble has “achieved something historic for our country”

Schäuble was, among other things, Federal Minister of the Interior and Federal Finance Minister and party leader of the CDU. The head of state wrote to the widow of the CDU politician, Ingeborg Schäuble: “Wolfgang Schäuble was a stroke of luck for German history.” He has “achieved something historic for our country.”

When the of Steinmeier The Bundestag must now determine whether the state act ordered in honor of Schäuble should take place. The memorial event is organized by Parliament.

Acts of mourning can only be ordered by the Federal President and are usually organized for high representatives such as the head of state, heads of government, the President of the Constitutional Court and federal ministers. In 2004 there was also a state ceremony for the victims of the tsunami in Southeast Asia.

Schäuble had been in a wheelchair since 1990

From 1991 to 2000 Schäuble was parliamentary group leader of the Union, between 1998 and 2000 he was CDU-Party leader. The doctor of law had been in a wheelchair since an assassination attempt on him in October 1990. In addition to his wife Ingeborg, Schäuble leaves behind four children.


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