Wolfgang Mückstein: Not hard enough for the job? – Opinion

In white trainers with the Federal President, Austria’s Minister of Health Wolfgang Mückstein made his first headlines. After that he had to take a lot of criticism – especially from conservative sovereigns who literally show him off.


Cathrin Kahlweit

Wolfgang Mückstein has not had it easy in the past few weeks – and not only because the Minister of Health is not a job subject to pleasure tax in a pandemic. As the successor to the popular Green politician Rudi Anschober, who resigned from the camp of coalition partner ÖVP in the spring due to burnout and probably also because of severe attacks, the general practitioner had to prove himself in a new profession, politics. Not an easy entry, as he had previously only gained experience in association work and as an external consultant to the Greens. The 42-year-old, who had previously managed a successful group practice in Vienna, made his first headlines because he appeared in white sneakers to be sworn in by the Federal President.

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