Without experience, a Vosges woman embarks on the race for the Élysée

Can a presidential fate be written in an e-mail? To the writing of 20 minutes, we were first intrigued by the letter received on October 23. The object soberly baptized “Presidential 2022” ultimately left little doubt about the intentions of the author.

Behind the keyboard, Anne Dan, a 29-year-old Vosges woman. Controller and auditor for organic farming in civilian life, she displays her ambition from the first sentence: “I wish to run for the presidential election of 2022.”

Pushed by her husband

The email is concise, structured around a few proposals from her program, with links to the candidate’s website and her social networks. With a guideline: “Widely use science, technology, artificial intelligence and digital technology in the service of Man and Nature.” “

But what could have pushed this resident of Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, “never invested in politics before”, to launch into the race? Quite simply her husband, Ioan, met two years ago during a hike.

“We said to ourselves that we had no choice, we must go”

Moved by “an intellectual love at first sight”, and by dint of discussion on their “illusions and disappointments”, the two spouses “gradually” arrive at the decision to present their ideas in front of their compatriots. Obviously for Anne Dan: “We have built such a program. We told ourselves we had no choice, we have to go. “

Since September 2020, the couple has assembled “a team of around twenty people made up of relatives and family”. Former legionary, Ioan Dan, 41, is “100% project focused”. “It’s a bit like my campaign manager,” says his wife. Their budget? “At the moment, we are investing our own money, but we are planning to launch a crowdfunding campaign. “

“Thirty-two hour week”

Their program contains “right and left solutions,” according to Anne Dan. The couple wants, for example, “to put an end to illegal immigration and work upstream with the consulates of the countries concerned to choose and favor women and children, in order to welcome people in a dignified manner”. Or “a universal income of 700 euros per month, financed by contributions on net wages up to 25%, and the week at thirty-two hours worked”.

Ideas that they will still have to submit to citizens, but also to parliamentarians and local elected officials. Indeed, impossible to present if Anne Dan does not collect at least 500 sponsorships. Here again, the Vosges is optimistic: “We have already contacted more than 450 mayors! An Alsatian city councilor, whose anonymity she wishes to preserve, would be particularly interested in the Dan approach, based on “science, intelligence and common sense”. In any case, they believe it thoroughly: “We are carried by what we do. “

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