Without competition, Brisbane will host the Summer Olympics in 2032

Obviously, when you have no rival, it’s easier. Brisbane won on Wednesday the organization of the Summer Olympics of 2032. The only one in contention, the Australian city was elected by the members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) gathered for their 138th session in the Japanese capital and will therefore succeed Paris and Los Angeles, respective hosts of the 2024 and 2028 Olympic Games. This is the third time in its history that the island-continent will host the Summer Games, after Melbourne in 1956 and Sydney in 2000.

This designation without competition may come as a surprise, as the ceremonial vote separating the candidate cities to host the Games has punctuated decades of Olympic life, with its costly lobbying behind the scenes and then its opening of an envelope followed by hugs or tears.

But the reform adopted in June 2019 allows the IOC to start at any time a “targeted dialogue” with a “preferential” candidate, with the aim of defusing the growing reluctance to organize the Olympic Games, to reduce costs and to constitute a breeding ground. future host cities.

Brisbane, aided by the influence of the Australian Vice-President of the IOC, John Coates, has enjoyed this status since February. In June, the head of the instance Thomas Bach had also praised his “irresistible” record and the Australians’ “love” for sport.

Already a candidate for the 1992 Olympics

Australia, among the few countries to have never missed an edition of the Summer Games, is “a huge Olympic village” with its multiple nationalities, ethnic origins and around 300 languages ​​spoken, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Wednesday. by videoconference.

The capital of Queensland, already a candidate for the 1992 Olympic Games awarded to Barcelona and involved in 2018 in hosting the Commonwealth Games, also promises “84% of existing and temporary venues”, a key criterion since the Olympic body began its white elephant hunting.

His announced designation had displeased Qatar, which also wished to host the 2032 Games, like Seoul and Pyongyang who had formalized their joint candidacy in April.

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