Without a diet: Lose weight by running – that’s how it works

Training: How to lose weight by running

Running is one of the sports that burns a lot of calories. That’s why it’s actually good for losing weight – but the joints can suffer under the strain.

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For a long time we tormented ourselves with diets. But that’s nonsense. Running is the much more effective way to lose weight. We explain how to train despite being overweight and effectively boost fat burning.

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Let me say this much right away: Running is one of the most effective ways to lose weight – but you have to be patient. Almost everyone knows these desperate attempts to lose weight with diets. Most of the time the effort is crowned with success, but if you eat normally again after the end of the diet, the kilos are back on it quickly. In many cases even a few kilos more. The classic yo-yo effect. Our body doesn’t like being forced and deprived of food at all.

On the other hand, it is much healthier and above all more sustainable if you reduce your weight by running. Running or jogging burns a lot of calories very quickly. But above all, sport changes the body in the long term. If you lace up your running shoes regularly, you boost your fat burning and at the same time ensure that more muscle mass can be built up. And in contrast to fat, muscle burns significantly more calories. The number of mitochondria, the small power plants in the muscle cells, increases significantly with regular running training. The energy consumption of the body increases significantly – even when resting. Because muscles have the wonderful property of still burning calories, even when you’re sitting relaxed on the sofa.

The body wants to regain its old weight

This is especially important because there is a mechanism in the human body that strives to reach its old and heavier weight. It’s like turning the thermostat up once. Exercise, if done regularly, can counteract this vicious cycle. Above all, because above a certain intensity, the feeling of hunger should decrease. But, such a physical remodeling takes time.

And especially people who are overweight have to be careful at the beginning of a running career. Being overweight can already cause damage to the joints and the cardiovascular system. These can deteriorate acutely as a result of the new and unfamiliar stress. How to start running when you’re overweight – that’s what we’re talking about in the new episode of the podcast “She’s running. He’s running.” Listen in.

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