With these 13 retro games you will also enchant your children

If you have your way, Mario Kart will definitely shape the next generation of gamers.

There are games that shaped your childhood. So it goes without saying that you want to present them to your own offspring. You told us what those are on Facebook.

You teach your children the culture of play

Ah yes, the good old days. Life was so easy when I was a kid: Come home from school, turn on the console or PC and pop in the latest video game. Back then, there was neither an overwhelming choice of games nor the Internet, which always came up with a complete solution.

So they turned every stone in their games and squeezed everything out of the few megabytes that a video game measured back then. These games that you know inside and out today have shaped an entire generation. And what was a good teacher for you will certainly not harm your children either.

Which of your childhood games will you play with your offspring one day – or what do you already play with your children when they already exist? We asked you that on Facebook and numerous answers receive!

Our photo series provides information about the games that you will definitely put in front of your children:

Retro games you play with your kids
Start photo gallery(14 pictures)

It’s understandable that you want to share your favorite old classics with your offspring. On the one hand, it is part of a good upbringing to know the pearls of the past. On the other hand, you teach your kids with retro games that graphics are not everything that counts. Gameplay is important – and that was usually wonderfully simple back then. Perfect for being introduced to the controller!

Plus, it’s just nice to share nostalgia and comforting memories with the next generation. and Playing together promotes the bond between child and parents. Then why not choose the games whose educational value you are fully convinced of?

Last but not least, you probably have an inkling that one day your offspring will overtake you in all that newfangled stuff. So take the opportunityto be able to teach them something else in your profession.

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