With the help of Juan Branco, the socios prepare a complaint to derail the arrival of Messi at PSG

Lionel Messi will not play for Barça next year, the Catalan fans have resigned themselves to it. On the other hand, the latter still do not get used to the idea of ​​seeing their idol join Paris Saint-Germain, which had already stung Neymar four years ago. This is why a group of socios represented by the French lawyer Juan Branco plans to seize the European Commission in the event of the Argentinian signing in Paname in order to prevent his effective signature.

On behalf of the FC Barcelona socios, my cabinet prepared a complaint to the European Commission and requests provisional suspensions before the civil and administrative courts in France in the event that Paris Saint-Germain recruited Lionel Messi “, Juan Branco said in a statement posted on Twitter.

Financial fair play in the sights

The lawyer’s postulate? Since Barcelona could not sign the Argentinian again, PSG logically do not have the means either, given that “for the 2019-2020 season, the ratio between salaries and income of PSG was 99% while that of FC Barcelona was 54%. And in the meantime, the difference has increased. Juan Branco and the socios also attack financial fair play, the recent easing of which allows Paris to consider the arrival of Messi while at the same time hoping to extend Mbappé.

“It is inconceivable that financial fair play serves to aggravate the excesses of football business, the instrumentalization of football by sovereign powers and the excesses of competitions. We will ask the authorities to intervene immediately to block this operation. “What to think the Messi camp?

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