With the end of the curfew this Sunday evening in France, the return to the night before

The curfew passes at 11 p.m. from this Wednesday, June 9 – JEAN-FRANCOIS MONIER / AFP

Faced with the continuous improvement of its epidemic indicators, France is freed this Sunday from the curfew, a new step in a return to the life before after the abandonment this week of the mask outdoors, and the on Monday we will be able to celebrate an almost normal Music Festival.

Three days after the end of the obligation to wear a mask outdoors, the French are back to an almost normal life, with the lifting of the curfew introduced eight months ago, thanks to the drop in contamination.

The race to get home and avoid a fine is over: for the first time since October 30, 2020 (excluding Christmas), the French will be able to enjoy their evenings as long as they want, starting this Sunday, i.e. 10 days more. sooner than expected. France was one of the last countries to maintain a curfew with Italy and Greece. First introduced at 9 p.m., it was gradually brought forward to 6 p.m. in mid-January before being pushed back to 7 p.m. in March, 9 p.m. in May and 11 p.m. on June 9.

“It is no longer the virus that stalks us, it is us who stalk it”

Its lifting was announced by the government on Wednesday, as the end of the wearing of the mask outside since Thursday which, if it could be compared by the opposition to a “gift” for the regional elections on Sunday, is justified by an improvement faster than “hoped” for the health situation, according to Prime Minister Jean Castex.

“With 2,000 to 3,000 cases per day, it is no longer the virus that stalks us, it is us who stalk it”, assured the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, at the Sunday newspaper, relying on the multiplication of “collective self-test screening” this summer and “retrospective tracing, Japanese style”. And the vaccination campaign continues its path, Jean Castex, who himself received his second dose of AstraZeneca vaccine on Saturday, targeting 35 million French people fully vaccinated at the end of August, against more than 18 million on Saturday.

Vigilance remains however required, as the health protocols for public places and any event until June 30. With mini-concerts authorized in bars and restaurants, the Fête de la musique, created in 1982, will find familiar tunes on Monday, even if it is not yet the world before.

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