with Omicron, Europe could glimpse the end of the pandemic according to the WHO

An exit from the Covid-19 pandemic could be looming in Europe, two years after the appearance of this disease on the old continent where Omicron could have infected 60% of the population by March, the Organization estimated on Sunday. World Health Organization (WHO). “It is plausible that the region is approaching an end to the pandemic,” WHO Europe director Hans Kluge told AFP, urging caution, however, given the versatility of the virus. “Once the Omicron wave subsides, there will be for a few weeks and a few months overall immunity, either because of the vaccine or because people will be immune because of the infection, and also a decline because of the seasonality,” he said.

The WHO then expects “a period of calm before perhaps the return of the Covid-19
towards the end of the year, but not necessarily the return of the pandemic”. In South Africa, where this variant was first sequenced, there has been a downward trend in the number of new cases over the past four weeks. With the same cautious optimism, the adviser to the White House on the health crisis Anthony Fauci judged on Sunday that a “turnaround” in the situation could be expected in the United States.

Other variants may emerge

There is no question, however, of immediately speaking of “an endemic era”, which would make it possible to treat the virus in the same way as a seasonal flu
, warned the UN official. “Endemic means (…) that one can predict what will happen, this virus has surprised more than once. So we have to be very careful”, especially since Omicron has so far been dominant in countries with high vaccination coverage, insisted Hans Kluge. Besides the persistence of Delta, other variants could additionally emerge.

“We will resist much better, including new variants, assured Sunday on the French television channel LCI Thierry Breton, the European commissioner for the internal market. “We will be ready to adapt vaccines, in particular those with messenger RNA, if necessary” and “to deal with a virulent variant”, he said. Covid, much more than the previous week, according to WHO data.

60% of Europeans infected with Omicron by March 1

According to projections presented by the World Health Organization, 60% of Europeans may have been infected with Omicron
by March 1. In the 27 member countries of the EU, as well as in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, this variant appeared at the end of November, more contagious than the Delta, but less virulent, in particular in vaccinated people, is now dominant according to the European health agency. As for Russia, it announced on Sunday a new daily record for coronavirus contamination for the third consecutive day, a spread due to Omicron.

With the explosion in the number of contaminations, it is now a question of modifying public policies to “minimize the disturbances and (…) protect the vulnerable” and no longer to focus only on the reduction of transmission, has judged Hans Kluge. In this context, he called for everyone’s responsibility. “Everyone must be their own risk manager,” he summed up. “If you’re not feeling well, stay home, take a self-test. If you’re positive, self-isolate.” The objective is to stabilize the health situation across Europe, where the gaps in vaccination against Covid are colossal, ranging from 25 to 95% of the population depending on the country in the region, which can lead to varying degrees variables overcrowding of hospitals.

Cautious on the fourth dose

“Stabilize means that the health system is no longer overwhelmed by Covid-19 and can continue to provide essential health services, which have unfortunately been very disrupted, in the areas of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and vaccination”, insisted Hans Kluge. For the director of Europe of the WHO, “this is not the time to play Russian roulette. People are still very encouraged to get vaccinated, to take a booster dose and to follow the preventive measures”. The city of Beijing has in this regard announced that it will screen all the inhabitants of a district on Sunday after the discovery of an epidemic focus, less than two weeks from the start of the Winter Olympics in the Chinese capital

But, illustrating the difficulty of having the measures taken to combat the pandemic accepted everywhere, on the same day, in Brussels, clashes occurred between the police and opponents of the restrictive measures, during a demonstration which brought together tens of thousands of people. Asked also about the need for a fourth dose to reach the end of the pandemic tunnel, Hans Kluge was cautious, noting however that “immunity increases after each inoculation of the vaccine”.

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