With Marine Le Pen elected, the working classes will be “ruined”, says Gérald Darmanin

Gérald Darmanin predicted a dark future for some French people in the event of the election of the RN candidate at the head of the country. “Madame Le Pen is the enemy of the working classes” and her election “would ruin them”, declared the Minister of the Interior on Cnews. “She tries to tell only honey when we know that once she is elected, there will only be salt”, he assured.

“If Madame Le Pen were elected President of the Republic, you would have an extremely sharp increase in interest rates for our country, around us the world would see us as a country apart, (…) foreign investors would no longer come to us and work, which is the value of the popular classes, it would rather be unemployment, ”he developed.

Gérald Darmanin, who accompanied the presidential candidate on Monday in Hauts-de-France, the second poorest region of France where the RN candidate came first on Sunday, recognized that it was necessary to be “more attentive to the middle and popular classes. “We need to have a form of additional empathy with those who cannot finish the end of the month”, he added, calling for hearing the “cry of alarm” of the vote of the extremes.

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