With his TikTok videos, he campaigns to interest young people in the presidential election

On his Tiktok account with almost 56,000 subscribers, the Bordelais Mattéo Ishak-Boushaki, 17, gives his opinion on the 32 hours, the primary on the left and interviews presidential candidates and political figures. In his latest video, he interviews the mayor of Bordeaux Pierre Hurmic (EELV) on his municipal policy. His lapolitiquedemat account deals almost exclusively with political subjects, without hiding its left-wing leanings.

Two years ago, during confinement, Mattéo observed that on TikTok, “people are often on the far right or very very right. As I am interested in giving my opinion, that I did not want to leave the field to a single “ideology”, I started. »

Make you want to be interested in politics

In the wake of HugoDécrypte on TikTok or Gaspard G on YouTube, he wants to participate in the popularization of politics to hook those who are not yet interested. “I find it very important that there are young people who talk about politics on social networks, who give their opinion, who debate”, he specifies, marked by the record abstentions of young people in the last municipal and regional elections. “I give my opinion but when I make a video where I present ideas or a program I try to be as neutral as possible,” says Matteo, who adopts a very calm and calm tone in his posts.

He hopes to meet all the presidential candidates to interview them and would like to participate in meetings to show the atmosphere in his videos. He has already interviewed Christiane Taubira and Yannick Jadot, for example. “Some people didn’t think they had an opinion and they realize that they will agree or disagree with me and suddenly form their own opinion,” observes the young man. He has a lot of questions via his account and he is delighted to see that his videos encourage non-politicized people to learn more, especially about the presidential election programs.

Born at the end of the year, he will not be able to participate in the ballot himself but he may have encouraged some of his generation to register on the lists and go and vote. It would already be not bad for Mattéo who sees himself studying law, journalism or why not in political science.

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