“With France 2, we wanted to create a UFO program”, advance Laurence Boccolini

“Chestnut turkey” against “Yule log”. This is not about the battle for iconic holiday dishes, but about the two teams participating in The Great Christmas Eve, this Friday from 9:05 pm on France 2. On the one hand, Frédérique Bel, Jean-Luc Lemoine, Chantal Ladesou and Élodie Gossuin. And on the other Laëtitia Milot, Philippe Lelièvre, Jeanfi Janssens and Véronic DiCaire. These personalities will play blind tests, memory games and other fun events for the benefit of the Secours Populaire and the Little Brothers of the Poor. In the role of the referee: Laurence Boccolini who will welcome her guests on a plate reproducing a cozy chalet atmosphere …

For this great Christmas evening, you open the doors of “your” chalet …

This decor is exceptional. We wanted to create a show that was a bit of a UFO, a strong brand of Christmas image on France Televisions, which we did not have. I developed with the production a concept which has all the codes of the Christmases of our childhood in the colors, the tone, the words, the songs… Something quite regressive, I must say. And then what do we do while we wait for Santa Claus? We play. Not in general culture quizzes, but between friends, to say nonsense, to funny games.

The idea was not to make one of those traditional Christmas bloopers?

Neither the channel nor I was interested in doing it that night, it’s everywhere. For New Years Eve, there is always a strong brand on France Télévisions. A magnificent program highlighting the beauty of heritage. For Christmas, this madeleine of Proust was missing. I wanted everyone to get back to their childhood Christmas, that people alone that night would want to smile. It was important to have an evening that talks about Christmas to as many people as possible. It is not necessarily a party that is synonymous with joy for everyone. When you have a big family that gets along well, I think it’s great. But for a lot of people, that’s not the case. They are often alone at Christmas – and in this period, it is complicated.

Could this gang play concept come up on other occasions during the year?

Yes why not ? We liked developing this show. We realize to what extent our lives, our memories, have many codes. There are plenty of times, not necessarily parties, where we could decline it.

The results of your year 2021 on France Télévisions are very positive …

Yes. It’s a balance sheet where I’m very tired there (laughs). I closed my year on Sunday evening with comments from Eurovision Junior. I am delighted, I have worked a lot. There are plenty of more projects for next year. I really feel like I’m at home, I get along really well with the team I work with. I have the prospect of going to Turin [pour l’Eurovision] in May. We will soon have the French selection for Eurovision. It’s fabulous, I tell myself that not only are there projects, but also that I am working hand in hand with, for example, Alexandra Redde-Amiel [la directrice des jeux et divertissements de France Télévisions], with whom I have a lot of communication. This is something that I am discovering. The teams talk to you a lot, support you. It makes you want to work, to suggest things …

Succeed Nagui at the animation of Everyone wants to take its place, it was a challenge. How did you experience it?

There was no pressure from the chain which has always been very clear on this. We are very happy. It was complicated the first month, especially with everything I kept from reading about myself (smile). I expected it to be complicated, it always is when you succeed someone, but for it to be so violent, coming from all sides, it was unimaginable. Fortunately, I no longer have Twitter or Facebook, just Instagram. There isn’t much left to say when we make the scores that we are asked to do, that things are going well and that the public is there. I understand that there are people who still don’t like me, it’s normal, it’s the game.

“The dogs bark as the caravan passes”, as they say …

Oh yes, you can’t define yourself based on reviews from people you don’t know who are violent and, most of the time, anonymous.

You were talking about projects for 2022, we could imagine you playing a role in Drag Race France which will arrive on France.tv Slash…

I’m happy it’s happening in France, I’m really happy. It’s nice to tell me that I am pictured in it (laughs). For the moment I have not been approached. This project must be presented by a drag queen, it is in all countries. And I’m not a drag queen yet.

You could be a Michelle Visage [l’acolyte de RuPaul dans RuPaul’s Drag Race] French?

Absoutely ! (laughs) We don’t really look alike, but with pleasure. I can’t wait to see it, but I haven’t been approached. I am very happy for the French drag scene which will be able to show itself a little more. In France, we were the last to drag our feet, I’m happy that France Télévisions bought the rights.

What can we wish you for 2022?

So what I also wish you, to stay healthy, to always have a smile – I am lucky to get up in the morning and have reason to smile during the day, this is important. And to have projects that see the light of day, not because it’s essential financially – obviously, you have to pay your bills – but because when you’re a bit of an artist and author, it’s good to create. Creation is very important to me.

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