With 27% of voting intentions, a survey shows the RN far ahead

The National Rally is currently in the lead among the Europeans. The party far outdistances the competing lists for the June 2024 elections, with 27% of voting intentions against 19% for Emmanuel Macron’s majority, according to an Opinionway poll for The echoes and Radio Classique published this Tuesday.

According to this survey, the RN led by Jordan Bardella loses one point compared to the previous wave, in November. But its lead remains comfortable over the Macronist majority, whose head of list has still not been designated, and which is stagnating below the 20% mark.

The economy remains the main concern

The rest of the landscape is very fragmented, particularly in the absence of union on the left: the list supported by the PS is doing well (10%, +1), ahead of Europe Ecologie – Les Verts (8%, stable) , La France insoumise (6%, -1) and the PCF (3%, stable). On the right of the chessboard, Les Républicains (9%), Reconquête (8%) and Debout la France (3%) each grabbed one point.

Among the issues at stake in these elections, purchasing power remains the priority for half of the people surveyed, but is down sharply by 6 points while inflation is slowing. Coming in behind, immigration for 46% of respondents, then security for 45%, two subjects up slightly by one point.

A margin of error between 1.8 and 3.7 points

This survey was carried out online from December 13 to 14, with a representative sample of 1,005 people registered on the electoral lists. The margin of error is between 1.8 and 3.7 points.

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