Wirecard trial: Auditor witness – “Wirecard has always been very stonewalling” – Economy

First he examined the group’s balance sheets for years, later he switched sides: A witness describes how much the financial service provider depended on dubious transactions in Asia. And how inspectors were specifically put under stress.

When Ron F. came to Wirecard, he knew what to expect. At least he should have known. For years, as an auditor at EY, he had also examined the payment service provider’s balance sheets – and they had always received the certificate, even if everything wasn’t going smoothly at the time. Nevertheless, after a short stint with another auditor, F. moved to the then stock exchange star in autumn 2017. His job: “The link between the auditor and Wirecard,” is how F. describes his job. Collect and prepare numbers and data, prepare and coordinate quarterly and annual reports.

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