Wind turbines in the Ebersberg forest: “Time is of the essence” – Ebersberg

New developments in distance regulations, nationwide changes to the landscape protection ordinance and finally the insolvency of the project partner Green City AG: It was a wild year for the planned wind turbines in the Ebersberg Forest. But fresh impetus could soon come into the project. “We are making a cut with the past,” said District Administrator Robert Niedergesäß (CSU) last week, alluding to the insolvency and the end of the contract with Green City AG. Now it is time for the Bavarian State Forests to find a new partner for the future.

When asked with whom one could go this way into the future and in the direction of renewable energies, the district administrator brought a name into play: one is currently in talks with the Munich investment company “Surplus Equity Partners”. According to Niedergesäß, this was already involved in the project and, after the insolvency of Green City AG, bought its subsidiary “Green City Windpark Ebersberger Forst GmbH und Co KG” from the insolvency estate.

Surplus is currently lacking a mature concept

Yes, one is in talks with the company. No, nothing has been decided yet, but one thing is clear: “Time is of the essence,” says Heinz Utschig, manager of the Wasserburg forestry operation of the Bavarian state forest and thus also responsible for the Ebersberg forest. The topic has been discussed and discussed for more than ten years – now it is time to do something. As early as spring 2021, a narrow majority of the Ebersberg district residents had spoken out in favor of the estimated 25 million euro project. So far, however, little has happened apart from changes in the law and the insolvency of Green City AG, which should have implemented the project.

Forest manager Heinz Utschig would like to find a new project partner for the planned wind turbines in the Ebersberg forest this year.

(Photo: Peter Hinz-Rosin)

So now the search is on for a suitable project partner again. After a “professional” – and he has to be found first, says Utschig. The state forests do not seem to be completely satisfied with the current developments. “Currently, there is no mature concept that also includes citizen participation, which is so important for us,” says Utschig. Surplus is currently working on one. As soon as it is available and acceptable, nothing should stand in the way of further planning.

Because the law that banned wind turbines in landscape protection areas, which until recently was still a brake, was overturned by the federal government this summer and the Ebersberg ordinances were adapted accordingly. This means that wind turbines are no longer strictly prohibited in landscape protection areas. The protection of nature seems to be an issue that Surplus is also concerned about. As part of the concept development, from the outset, attention was paid to the extensive consideration of aspects of environmental protection and nature conservation, according to a statement from your communications agency. According to the company, the current world situation shows that Upper Bavaria also has to make an important contribution to achieving the climate goals. A statement that also applies to Utschig. Above all, the war in Ukraine and its effects would make clear the urgency of a self-sufficient energy supply. Not least because of this, he hopes that “the matter can still be fixed in November”.

“It is our wish that we take the next steps in 2022”

The Munich-based investor company Surplus also hopes that the next phase of planning can begin as soon as possible. “We are confident that we will be able to discuss the details with the local actors and the responsible authorities within the coming weeks,” she said through the communications company. Accordingly, one is currently working on a concept adaptation – but this cannot happen overnight. “Our wish is that we take the next steps in 2022.” In the event of an award, would you also like to work with companies from the Ebersberg area in the future? So far, the Munich company has had good experiences in working with regional partners, according to the statement.

concept or not. The specification of the construction of the planned five wind turbines still seems to be a long way off. How far away the implementation actually is remains to be seen. If Surplus is not able to present a suitable concept in a timely manner, an open bidding process would be the next sensible step in order to move forward quickly with the process and the construction of the wind turbines. Because one thing, according to Utschig, is certain despite all the uncertainties: “Somebody needs to be on their toes quickly.”

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