William and Kate: Their radiance couldn’t calm the waves

Caribbean trip
The Empire is crumbling – Kate’s clothes and Williams’ rays are useless

Duchess Kate and Prince William in Kingston, Jamaica

© Chris Jackson / Picture Alliance

Prince William and Duchess Kate obviously made an effort to win the hearts of the citizens of the Caribbean. But what the royal family needs these days is more authenticity and less glamor.

Prince William and Duchess Kate are not only among the highest-ranking and most important royals, they are also the figurehead of the British monarchy, the bearers of hope for the future. And as such, the two now traveled to the Caribbean to visit Commonwealth countries.

The framework for the trip was the 70th jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. A nice occasion, which leaves some parties and citizens of the countries visited cold.

Prince William, Duchess Kate and the anti-crown protests

The first criticism was raised even before the couple landed. In both Belize and Jamaica, William and Kate have faced protests. Protests against the monarchy itself, protests against a queen who – according to angry voices – never apologized for Britain’s history of slavery. Not to mention compensation for the previously exploited countries and colonies.

“We, the members of the Bahamas National Reparations Committee (BNRC), recognize that the people of the Bahamas must foot the majority of the cost of this extravagant journey. Why are we footing the bill for a regime whose rise to ‘greatness’ extermination, enslavement, colonization and degradation of the people of this country? Why are we being asked to pay again?” complained a protest group in the Bahamas.

Finally, on Wednesday, Prince William felt compelled to demonize slavery as a concept and express his regret that there was this dark stain in the history of the former colonial power. “It should never have happened,” said the number two in line to the throne. A quasi apology that was formulated as passively as possible. Prince William did not take responsibility for the actions of the monarchy. Whether that is his job or not is debatable.

William regrets slavery

“Windsor caution prevails. (…) The fact is that William could have apologized for his ancestors’ active role in the slave trade. An opportunity to shape history was missed,” explained the former BBC correspondent and Royal expert Peter Hunt on his Twitter channel.

And that is exactly what seems to be one of the problems facing the monarchy: Prince William, the young hopeful, wants to be as diplomatic as his older relatives. At the side of his wife Kate, who went from appointment to appointment in a top style and with pretty clothes, he beamed and represented a monarchy that is rejected by many citizens of the states concerned and from which a large number want to make themselves independent.

Modern monarchy

Never complain, never explain – the motto of the British royal family runs through history, the “stiff upper lip” with which problems are dealt with is legendary. But the attitude of taking as little position as possible seems outdated. The royal family doesn’t even have to make political statements because they are denied it and it’s not their job. But a little more authenticity would be desirable. The royals, who apparently managed to do this without any problems, were successfully bullied out: Meghan and Harry. At a time when the monarchy is about to undergo a transformation, it would be important to set the course for a modern future. Kate and William are an integral part of that and they would have the leverage needed.

In any case, William’s condemnation of slavery did not calm the waves in the Caribbean. In front of the cameras, Jamaica’s Prime Minister Andrew Holness announced that his country wants to become independent, just like Barbados a few months ago. Even the otherwise radiant Prince William could only nod in resignation.

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