Will you really miss them? The new Munich crime scene episode “Look at me” – media

The Munich one crime scene is going through a complicated phase. After the somewhat strange episode “The Prodigy” about a murder in the prison, the new case only emerges from the confusion in the second half. Everything about it is awesome. Which leads to Kalli Hammermann, the young colleague of Messrs. Batic (Miroslav Nemec) and Leitmayr (Udo Wachtveitl). Kalli (Ferdinand Hofer) is more in the spotlight this time, which is what ARD is doing more often now, solo for the youngsters. Hammermann is also currently opening up new ones crime scene-Target groups on Twitch. Batic and Leitmayr, on the other hand, are at case number 95 and it’s over at a hundred. Who will, who can replace them? Can Hammermann hope? Above all: Will Munich return to a form where Batic and Leitmayr (and his Gustl Bayrhammer memorial dachshund) will be missed at all?

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