Will the Braderie de Lille take place without public transport?

After two years of absence, the Braderie de Lille is more eagerly awaited than ever by fans of giant garage sales or by lovers of mussels and fries. In its best years, the event was able to attract up to 2 million people. A crowd that the town hall and the authorities strongly encourage to use public transport rather than the car to get there. Advice that may be complicated to follow, the CGT Ilévia having filed a strike notice for Saturday, the first day of the Braderie.

To participate in the Braderie de Lille, there are some common sense rules to follow. You don’t come with a stroller and you don’t take your car. Especially since this year, the event will be particularly secure with a significant impact on access to Lille and parking. However, be aware that relying on the services of Ilévia, Lille public transport provider, may be complicated. Three unions, including the majority CGT, put pressure on the carrier to demand better working conditions and wage increases by calling a strike on Saturday.

Metro or not metro, that is the question

If the notice was confirmed this Friday, Ilévia is still reassuring. “Due to a social movement, the frequency of trams will be reduced during the day this Saturday. The bus and metro networks will run normally, ”said the carrier on Thursday evening. A “normality” which however risks being tainted by “slight disturbances on the frequency of the metros” nevertheless specified Ilévia.

But these forecasts could be far too optimistic. According to the CGT, no less than 88% of employees working in the metro who declared themselves to be on strike, reported our colleagues from France 3. Figures which could still change in one direction or the other. Very clever, therefore, whoever could tell if we are moving towards some inconvenience or towards a generalized mess.

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