Will Smith had murder fantasies against his father

Domestic violence
Will Smith harbored murder fantasies against his father and wanted to avenge his mother

Will Smith saw his father become violent

© Nicole Kubelka / Geisler-Fotopress / Picture Alliance

In his new autobiography, Will Smith reveals that his father was violent towards Smith’s mother. As a child, he even harbored murder fantasies.

In his new autobiography, “Me,” Will Smith speaks of his childhood trauma with emotional honesty. Because today’s Hollywood star grew up with a violent father and had to watch William Smith Sr. beat his mother.

Will Smith caught domestic violence

“My father was violent, but he was also there at every game, performance and concert,” writes Smith in his book. “He was an alcoholic, but he was sober at every premiere of every one of my films. He listened to every record. He went to every studio,” he explains of the ambivalence in his father’s behavior.

“When I was nine years old, I saw my father hit my mother in the side of the head so hard that she collapsed. I saw her spit blood,” he reveals. When he was a teenager, his parents separated.

Murder fantasies against his father

As a child he thought about harming his father, admits the “Men in Black” actor. Instead, he nursed him when Will Smith Sr. developed cancer in old age. “One night as I carefully rolled him out of his bedroom into the bathroom, a darkness came up inside me. The path between the two rooms leads past the top of the stairs. As a child I always told myself that one day I would be my mother would avenge. ” He admits he was considering pushing him down the stairs.

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“I’m Will Smith. Nobody would ever believe I killed my father on purpose. I’m one of the best actors in the world. My 911 call was Oscar-level. When the decades of pain, anger and resentment first struck me and then disappeared again, I shook my head and continued to shove Daddio into the bathroom, “he explains in” Me “.

Will Smith Sr. died in 2016. Today, his famous son says the moment he observed domestic violence had a profound impact and changed his life.

source: “People” magazine


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