Will bars and cafes soon offer free access to their toilets?

This Monday, Eau de Paris announced that 500 Parisian businesses now accept to fill the water bottles of passers-by who request it. Filling your water bottle is good, being able to empty your bladder afterwards is better. Despite the 750 public toilets claimed by the town hall of Paris, it is often difficult to find where to relieve yourself. To compensate for this lack, are traders ready to make their toilets available to onlookers? (or are they ready to sign a similar contract? )

Small legal point to start, if the law requires private establishments open to the public to be provided with toilets for their customers, it does not specify anything about other individuals. Clearly, customers are entitled to free toilets, for others, it is at the merchant’s discretion.

A habit in the past, an exception today

“In the past, we gave easy access, people passed by, left a tip and it was fine,” explains Claude, a waiter in a brasserie in the 14th arrondissement. But like many cafe owners, Claude’s boss ended up saying stop.

“Each manager is free to do as he wishes, but it is true that a majority refuses”, specifies Franck Delvau, president of the Union of trades and industries of the hotel industry (Umih) of Île-de-France. -France. To justify the reluctance, the professional first puts forward the cost of the toilets and the possible cost of opening them to everyone: “You have to take into account electricity, water, toilet paper, and above all cleaning . »

bad experiences

Seeing people add to the customers and “parade” in the toilets all day, would force the bosses to clean two or three times more often, and therefore to mobilize additional staff and equipment. “It was the abuse that forced us to limit access to customers, explains Claude, enough to see the toilets clogged, urine or excrement everywhere next to it. “In the sector for almost 40 years, the server ensures that customers pay more attention than passers-by: “Probably because they know that we see everything. And if it’s a disaster, they will have to face our gaze afterwards. The passer-by, he turns on his heels and we never see him again. »

However, all the professionals interviewed by 20 minutes ensure that they are in favor of rendering a service when possible. Marcel Benezet, president of the branch of cafes, bars and brasseries of the National Group of Independents (GNI) prefers “that people do it with us than in the street”. Moreover, he nevertheless specifies that many accept. “I often go to cafes and ask for the toilet before I even say I’m going to order and often they accept. »

“If asked nicely…”

For the president of the GNI, even if a sign indicates “WC reserved for customers”, the cafeteria are not inhuman. “If it’s asked nicely, and it’s urgent, most will accept. “And respect for the premises, plus a small room when possible, “if only for maintenance”, will undoubtedly encourage traders to be more inclined to “yes”.

Claude agrees: “Men over 50, like me, often have a prostate problem. And the very idea of ​​not knowing if there will be a toilet outside can keep me awake. So for “white heads”, pregnant women or young children, I would never say no. »

While waiting perhaps one day for the stickers “Here, we urinate for free” on the front of shops, it is possible to find public toilets in the capital on the site of the town hall of Paris or on the application Toilets in Paris which identify toilets, toilets in parks, etc.

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