Why will the students of Gisèle Halimi college in Lyon return to school a week after everyone else?

An additional week of vacation. The students of the Gisèle Halimi college, located in the 7th arrondissement of Lyon, will go back to school one week after everyone else. The reason ? The establishment is not quite ready yet. The delivery of the new building was late, said the city of Lyon on the eve of the start of the school year, in a press release.

“The site has indeed undergone many hazards due to the health crisis. The lengthened delays in the delivery of materials, the impact of the resurgence of the Covid in recent months on the teams, greatly disrupted the smooth running of the various construction phases, ”explains the community.

A return to school scheduled for September 7

The students, who are registered in this establishment, should wait until Wednesday, September 7 to find their way back to the classrooms. Teachers should resume the day before.

The principal, in close collaboration with the teams from the Académie de Lyon and the Métropole, informed the teaching team and the parents of the pupils of this deadline and of the measures proposed for the support of the secondary school pupils concerned. A toll-free number has been set up for families.

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