Why this defeat is full of “hopes” for the Girondins

At Matmut Atlantique,

Gérard Lopez is convinced, “there was a way to get a draw” this Saturday night against PSG. To afford a little family pick-me-up. And frankly, it’s hard to contradict the owner and president of the Girondins de Bordeaux a few minutes after the final whistle. His team had just scored two goals in Paris, so why not three in a stadium in turmoil? For that, it would have been necessary to wake up a little earlier and above all, not to fall on a Neymar of the great evenings. “There are some regrets because when we started playing, we could annoy this team,” admits Mbaye Niang, author of his first goal with the Navy and White during the defeat against Paris (2-3).

To annoy the word is even a little weak as the Bordelais hurt the Parisians at the end of the match. But also at the beginning and in the middle because for the first time this season, they “managed to play 90 minutes against an opponent” and which, in addition, “normally is not within our reach” as recalled. Vladimir Petkovic. And it is perhaps the biggest victory of the day for the Swiss coach despite the loss of the evening. So why is this setback full of “hopes” for the Girondins?

Finally hard heads

It is first of all a question of talking about heads. Not because we have a mad desire to talk to you about psychology, but because our interlocutors (president, coach and players) spontaneously talk to us about it.

“I feel progress on the mental level. When I arrived, I saw that it was fragile. Today there is a team that still believes in it, even at 3-0, the public helped us. It is thanks to this mentality that we move forward. As long as we continue like this, I think we are on the right track. “

“We take a 3rd on a mistake and then as usual, we do not give up, there is a good state of mind, we are starting to find a real team. “

“I see this game in a really positive way. Despite the goals conceded, we continued to play our game, we did not give up. We have tried to do everything we can. Seventeen shots towards the opposing goal, that’s the proof. “

In the Girondins, if the results are still pending, the heads are better. And this may be the main one at the moment. For several seasons, the problem was not only tactical or technical, it was also and above all psychological. The new management team understood this quickly and it gets better every week. This season, this team is not giving up. She remains with her head held high even in the midst of a storm (cf. Reims last week). A big quality. It remains to take the next step, no longer to be in the reaction but in the action.

An increasingly interesting technical level

The other hope comes from the game. Against Paris, the Girondins confirmed that they could offer some. And not just a little. So yes there are still air pockets, absences like against Lorient two weeks ago or during the first half against Reims last week but the general technical level is improving. At the same time the bad tongues will say that it could only progress. Not false. But that’s still good news for Vladimir Petkovic and his staff. Yacine Adli and Samuel Kalu are no longer the only players who know how to make a small bridge, three hooks and two leg passes. Dilrosun has joined them as Elis moves whatever he comes across in his way down the right hallway. Without forgetting Mbaye Niang:

“Even against a great team from Paris, we manage to show great things, we have to use it, continue, insist and the results will arrive”.

Moreover, if some look at the glass as half empty, others see it as half full. Yes, the Girondins do not advance in the standings (still 16th in Ligue 1 before the end of the 13th day this Sunday) but over the last eight games, it is two victories, four draws and only two defeats (against Monaco and Paris). It’s not fantastic, but far from being catastrophic compared to the very start of the season (zero wins after five games including three losses) or the second part of last season. It is surely for all these reasons that Gérard Lopez is “convinced” that his team “is in the right direction”. Persuasion is his thing!

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