Why the gap between poor and rich farmers is growing – Economics

Farmers have been demonstrating all over Germany since December, and there is no end in sight. The federal government has long since given in, and even the European Union has hastily withdrawn some Green Deal goals. Nevertheless, the farmers’ tone is becoming harsher, their methods are becoming tougher – even blocking highways and ports and dumping manure in front of printing plants. The Federal Council is not due to decide on the future of the agricultural diesel concession until March 22nd. Bavaria, Lower Saxony and other federal states are calling for the cuts planned by the federal government to be reversed. According to the president of the farmers’ association, Joachim Rukwied, it is all or nothing; for him, “the competitiveness and future viability” of German agriculture is at stake, the specialist portal says agricultural today writes of the companies’ “sheer fear” for their future, in a situation in which even the smallest cuts would “slowly but surely threaten their existence.”

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