Why reinstating massive teleworking to curb the epidemic would not be obvious

What measures could slow the acceleration of the Covid-19 epidemic? This is the question the Defense Council will answer on Wednesday. In the toolbox is a more massive recourse to teleworking, which is moreover recommended in the last opinion of the Scientific Council.

Especially since the measure has already proven its worth, especially a year ago, when the sudden outbreak of the epidemic had forced the government to confine the country from October 30 and to impose 100% teleworking wherever it is. was possible. And in recent weeks, several of your European neighbors have activated the measure: in Belgium, teleworking is made compulsory four days a week for at least three weeks; in Germany, its massive return is requested. And in Austria it comes highly recommended.

Business and government on the same line

For now, the government seems reluctant to toughen the rules. During a visit to the headquarters of L’Oréal in Clichy (Hauts-de-Seine) Monday, the Minister of Labor, Élisabeth Borne, indicated that it was not possible “to exclude in principle answers for the more ”in terms of general incentives for teleworking. But she preferred to call on companies to “re-mobilize” on the respect of barrier gestures. Same story at Medef. Its president, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, said Tuesday on BFMTV to be opposed to the obligation of telework. He also considered that the decision taken by Belgium on the subject “was a mistake”.

A wait-and-see attitude that can be explained first of all by the current context of economic recovery. “As we have seen in previous waves, massive teleworking has an impact on shops, restaurants, transport companies, whose activity depends on the employees who come to the office. All these companies have restarted well since the start of the school year and it is difficult to imagine how they could take a new brake “, indicates Christophe Platet, Founder of the management consulting firm Lundano.

Employees not ready to return to work 100% at home

As for companies that should ask their employees to stay at home, they fear that an organizational change will disrupt this renewed activity for them. “For the time being, we are not in favor of massive recourse to teleworking, which would have an impact on management and the collective link”, explains to 20 minutes Audrey Richard, president of the national association of HRDs (ANDRH). According to Caroline del Torchio, author * and management consultant, teleworking has also shown its limits over the past year and a half: “Companies have managed operations remotely, business continuity has been ensured. But creative work and strategic thinking do not take place at a distance. In addition, the feeling of collective belonging has diminished, which has affected motivation. Hence a higher turnover and which is costly for companies ”.

The other brake concerns the impact it could have on employees. Because since June 9, the rules being relaxed, companies have been able to bring their employees back to the office several days a week. “The majority of employees were delighted to come back. They have rediscovered the pleasure of working together, of benefiting from the benevolent eye of a colleague, of moments of conviviality… And they appreciate the hybrid mode. A return to “full telework” may be difficult to accept, “said Audrey Richard.

“Some do not know how to telework well because they do not have good conditions at home or because they need an ecosystem to be efficient”, also observes Christophe Platet. Not to mention the health risks that complete work at home can cause: “In generalized teleworking, hyperconnection, acute visionitis and more frequent reporting have an impact on physical and mental well-being”, emphasizes Caroline del Torchio.

The risk of rekindling rivalries

Companies also testify to the fact that a small number of employees had difficulty coming back face-to-face. “Some were afraid because they feared being contaminated, others had found a new balance and did not want to go back. Finally, some had moved away from the office to have more space “, explains Audrey Richard. Sending home those we had so much trouble convincing to come back would therefore pose a problem, according to Christophe Platet:” It is impossible to Swear to them that this is the last time they will have to change organization. These hazards are complicated to manage because each of us needs to project ourselves ”.

Reimposing teleworking would also run the risk of rekindling the feeling of inequality felt by certain employees whose work cannot be done remotely. Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux thus describes “a feeling of incomprehension and frustration”. Especially since these employees, often called “first in line” during the first confinement, have not always benefited from salary increases since …

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