Why Philippe Etchebest pissed off the people of Lorraine with his quiche recipe

He could hear about it on one of his next visits to the area for the program “Cauchemar en cuisine”… For several weeks, Philippe Etchebest has been the target (polite huh!) of a few disgruntled residents of Lorraine. For what ? Because the famous chef offered his recipe for the famous local quiche on his YouTube channel in mid-February. “A good quiche Lorraine in the rules of the art”, as he announced from the first seconds.

Except that the owner of several restaurants in Bordeaux made a huge mistake in the eyes of some in the 8th minute of the video: he added county! Worse, by premeditating his gesture, his words testify to it to anticipate the outcry to come. “I can already hear the purists crying foul because we don’t put cheese in the quiche Lorraine. Well, I put it in because I like cheese, but it’s true that originally there wasn’t any. »

A mea culpa insufficient therefore in the eyes of some. On Twitter, the #quichegate flourished, fueled in particular by a certain Laurent Miltgen. Either simply the owner of the “quiche Lorraine” trademark, registered with the National Institute of Intellectual Property (INPI). The 50-year-old studied in Nancy and is now employed in IT in Luxembourg, reports The Republican East.

He also leads the no less serious “National Syndicate for the Defense and Promotion of Authentic Quiche Lorraine”, also active on Instagram. “After @NorbertTarayre and @cyril_lignac, @Chef_Etchebest in turn disfigures Quiche Lorraine! “, for example, tweeted the defender of the culinary heritage of his region, supported by other Internet users.

But by the way, what do the cooks from Lorraine say about it? Joined by 20 minutes, they are more conciliatory with their colleague. “It’s very good when you add cheese to it, I confess I’ve done it before, but you shouldn’t call it quiche Lorraine anymore! smiles Yvain Rollot, chef at the Table du Bon Roi Stanislas in Nancy. “In a real quiche Lorraine, there is no cheese. But like all ancestral recipes, you can adapt them to your own sauce, ”extends his colleague Jacques Hildenbrand, from the L’Excelsior brewery, still in the capital of Lesser-et-Moselle.

“The recipe is just migaine, a word from Lorraine which means a mixture of cream and eggs. Then we place this device in a short crust pastry and add smoked bacon, ”continues Yvain Rollot. For those who would prefer to follow all of this on video, a Moselle singer and comedian, Alphonse Keriat alias Alph Lorraine, has published his version of quiche Lorraine on his YouTube page. Without cheese of course.

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