Why mindfulness works so well when running

With more mindfulness for a better running experience

Mindfulness can also be practiced while running. These moments of inner calm and concentration ensure relaxation and better body awareness.

Mindfulness brings inner peace, relaxation and lowers the stress level. Even the mileage can benefit from it. But what exactly is mindfulness – and how can the exercises be integrated into training?

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Running shouldn’t always be about performance. At least from time to time, the running time and speed should take a back seat. Instead, you can use the training to train your mindfulness. At first glance, you might not associate an endurance sport like running with inner calm and concentration – but mindfulness exercises can be easily integrated into the running lap.

This kind of conscious training is also called “Mindful Running”. The principle is very simple: attention is consciously drawn to individual parts of the body. How does the foot feel when it touches down? How do you take off? If you mentally drift away from this “anchor”, you have to try to return to it. You try not to be distracted by external influences such as other runners, the weather or the running route.

Mindfulness and running can be combined well

The effects are noticeable – many runners report that their concentration and body awareness improve, tension is released and even running performance improves. Why it is like that? We’ll talk about that in the new episode of the podcast “She’s running. He’s running.” You will also learn everything else you need to know about mindfulness and running. Have a listen.

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