Why Karin Viard falls in love with Grégory Gadebois (and us too)

But how sweet Grégory Gadebois is in maria dream by Lauriane Escaffre and Yvo Muller, discovered at the Angoulême Francophone Film Festival! This graceful teddy bear and rock dancer turns the head of Karin Viard, a discreet and clumsy housekeeper recently hired at the Beaux-Arts.

“The main quality of a housekeeper is to know how to be invisible,” says Lauriane Escaffre. And she meets this man who sees her, better still, who looks at her, which hadn’t happened for a long time to this sensitive woman. “Married for years to a man who has not paid attention to her for a long time, the fifties flourishes under the eyes of her admirer.

Written for Grégory Gadebois

“Grégory has a rare blend of fragility and virility, insists Yvo Muller. That’s what we wanted to show in this film that we wrote especially for him. The directors had previously directed the actor in the short film On time, Caesarized in 2020 where he played a butcher helping his daughter to pass her hair removal CAP. “It has become unimaginable for us to make a film without him, recognizes Lauriane Escaffre. His skin-deep sensitivity makes him an ideal performer, capable of rendering all the subtleties of his character. »

We crack in front of this big guy who forgot to take care of his own happiness while watching over that of others. Always ready to help aspiring artists (including a wacky sculptor played by Noée Abita), he seems to have given up all personal life when sweet Maria comes to warm this heart in winter. “The head to head between Grégory and Karin was magical, insists Yvo Muller. Initially, they were very impressed with each other. It was amazing to see actors of this caliber being intimidated by their partner. »

Grégory Gadebois’ “06”

Like their characters, the two actors have tamed each other for this delicate comedy which demonstrates that it is never too late to find love. “The idea of ​​transforming Grégroy Gadebois into a seducer worked so well that it is not uncommon for us to be asked for his “06” during previews”, reveals Laurianne Escaffre. We understand why it brings so much tenderness and sensuality to a solitary man who rediscovers the desire to please.

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