Why is it still compulsory in shopping centers despite an incidence rate below 200?

The announcement of the circulation figures of the coronavirus in New Aquitaine, this Friday by the ARS, may have raised a glimmer of hope, concerning a possible lifting of restrictions for some shopping centers. Particularly in Gironde, where the incidence rate has just fallen below 200 per 100,000 inhabitants (192 for week 33, from August 16 to 22, against 250 the previous week).

At the beginning of August, the government asked the prefects to impose the sanitary pass for commercial areas of more than 20,000 m2, in the departments where the incidence rate of the epidemic is above 200 per 100,000 inhabitants over a period of week. Logically, the Gironde should therefore no longer be concerned …

“Health situation too fragile”

Yes but no. The health pass will remain compulsory to access ten shopping centers of more than 20,000 m2 in Gironde, in particular Auchan Lac and Auchan Mériadeck in Bordeaux, or even Carrefour Rives d’Arcins in Bègles. “The pass remains compulsory in shopping centers until further notice because the health situation is too fragile”, we are told at the Gironde prefecture.

It will certainly be necessary to wait until this incidence rate drops more clearly below the 200 mark, before hoping for a lifting of the measure, at the risk of having to practice “stop and go” for several weeks, which would not satisfy anyone. more.

Reduced virus circulation in all departments

Concerning the circulation of SARS-CoV-2 in New Aquitaine, it is decreasing but remains active with an incidence rate still higher than 150 per 100,000 inhabitants (155.6 against 190.5 the previous week). Note that traffic is decreasing in all departments. The virus is most active in Pyrénées-Atlantiques (221.9) and Lot-et-Garonne (211.6), and in Creuse (49), Haute-Vienne (80.6) and Vienne (85 , 7) that it is the least.

On the hospitalization front, the situation is also improving but remains tense in the region. “The number of new hospitalizations decreased slightly and the number of new admissions to critical care services remained stable in week 33 with 282 conventional hospitalizations (311 in week 32) and 87 admissions to critical care services (90 in week 32)” underlines Public Health France. Since the week of July 19 to 25, an increase in hospital mortality has been observed. “In week 33, 35 deaths were recorded in a hospital environment against 26 between week 32.”

In Gironde, “after several weeks of increase, the hospital indicators decreased slightly with 96 new hospitalizations and 37 admissions in critical care in week 33.” But in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, these hospital indicators are up slightly “with 48 new hospitalizations and 8 new critical care admissions. “

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