Why Hainer remains optimistic despite his players’ World Cup debacle

Why Hainer remains optimistic despite his players’ World Cup debacle

Herbert Hainer

©Getty Images

Herbert Hainer calls on the Bayern stars to put the disappointments of the World Cup behind them and to reach for titles with the people of Munich

the World Cup 2022 became a complete fiasco for FC Bayern. With the exception of Mazraoui and Upamecano the tournament went quite modestly for practically everyone from Munich and even Upamecano has to overcome the disappointment of losing the final. The mental state of the Bayern team should definitely have been better than it is now. Herbert Hainer nonetheless held the team responsible for causing a sensation again with FC Bayern.

The threshold between success and failure is extremely small in football. The history of the club Bavaria shows this only too well and every experienced player has already seen both sides of the coin. According to this, Bayern President Herbert Hainer is also counting on the disappointed stars being able to put the last few weeks behind them and show off in Bayern jerseys.

“In sport, as in life, it’s about overcoming the negative, learning your lessons and looking ahead. It’s about starting the year 2023 without excess baggage,” Hainer demanded in an interview on Bayern’s website.

However, the President is not overly concerned. You know the players well enough to know: “After the winter break, they will definitely start tackling the big goals with FC Bayern.”

Hainer believes in Bayern: “The path of this generation isn’t over yet”

As early as 2020, the Bayern stars showed that you can also achieve great success internationally. While the team has changed a lot since then, some cornerstones are still there. “The path of this generation has not yet come to an end,” said Herbert Hainer, recalling players like Schweinsteiger, Lahm, Ribery and Robben, who “were also rewarded for giving their all to the end”.

Accordingly, the Bayern President is looking forward to the second half of the season, which is certainly not that easy. “Our players will return to their sporting homeland after the winter break and will find their way back here,” he said with conviction.

Hainer, on the other hand, described the injuries to Neuer and Hernández as a “shock”, but “challenges are always seen as opportunities”. Accordingly, he is also convinced that the players will give everything “to win titles for their injured teammates in 2023”.

Everything about FC Bayern in 90 minutes:

This article was originally published on 90min.com/de as Why Hainer remains optimistic despite his players’ World Cup debacle released.


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