Why eating full helps you lose weight

In her book “Nutrition that protects us”, Portius explains how we can keep our bodies healthy and protect them from diseases of civilization with the help of the GlykLich diet she designed, without having to forego enjoyment. the low glycemic , anti-inflammatory nutrition not only helps to reduce chronic inflammatory processes, but also to balance blood sugar and insulin levels and build up a healthy intestinal flora. And by the way, we also prevent or reduce obesity. And without starving. Quite the opposite: Starvation and calories are expressly NOT desired with the GlykLich diet.

If we feed our body significantly fewer calories than it needs, it switches to the so-called starvation metabolism and throttles energy consumption. If we then eat “normally” again after a while, our body stores everything it can get. This often leads to the notorious yo-yo effect. On the other hand, if you eat your fill three times a day, you prevent ravenous hunger attacks.

But not only the amount makes it: According to Portius, it is not the calories themselves that lead to an increase in metabolically active abdominal fat and to inflammatory processes. Rather, it is the quality of our food. Therefore, the expert has chosen a balanced mixed diet with natural foods as the basis of the GlykLich diet. The recipes are designed in such a way that they have a balance of complex carbohydrates, high-quality protein, healthy fats and phytochemicals.

The GlykLich diet therefore dispenses with simply ground carbohydrates such as white flour and products made from it. Instead, she relies on foods with complex carbohydrates and a high fiber content such as legumes or whole grain products such as oatmeal, whole grain rice or whole grain bread. At the same time, the recommended food selection contains a high proportion of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. The GlykLich diet promotes the absorption of essential anti-inflammatory fatty acids such as Omega-3 fatty acids (e.g. in nuts, seeds, linseed oil and fatty fish such as salmon or herring) and at the same time reduces the intake unfavorably trans fats and saturated fatty acids.

Reading Tip: Simple everyday tips: How to start with a healthier diet

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