Why do you say Arte is your favorite channel when you don’t watch it?

The favorite channel of the French who do not watch it. The (bad) joke fizzled out as Arte celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. Already, the Franco-German channel is no longer the favorite channel of the French, who have since quoted France 3 or M6 as their top satisfaction. And above all, Arte’s audiences have exploded over the past three years.

A little thanks to the confinement (which benefited all the channels, but especially Arte) and its new followers, and a lot thanks to a bold digital policy, more than a million of you watch Arte two out of three evenings a year. Arte has also settled above 3% audience share.

The strength of the brand

Launched on May 30, 1992, Arte had a real second birth on September 28, 1992 when it took over the fifth terrestrial broadcasting network instead of La Cinq (a private channel financed successively by Silvio Berlusconi, Robert Hersant and Hachette). The glow up is masterful but it will take many years for Arte to be successful.

Today the chain is installed in the hearts (it appeared in the top 10 favorite brands alongside food delivery sites during the 2020 confinement) and the habits of the French who, for example, binge-watched the two en masse series seasons In therapyfirst on the site and then on the channel.

If you also like Arte, tell us why. Thema evenings? Archaeological documentaries? Unknown European series? Bold digital policy? Do you really watch it or is it very episodic? Tell us, in the comments or in the form below, why you love Arte. Honestly. Your answers will be used to write a future article.

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