Why do you continue to buy from “fast fashion” chains?

In all this will make 27 stores throughout France? The British brand Primark announced on Monday the opening of seven new stores in France in 2023. Worldwide, the brand intends to grow from 409 stores currently to 536 stores by September 2026. Low-cost clothing, which are added to those of brands such as H & M, Zara, Forever 21, Topshopn or Shein. Brands criticized for the pollution they generate and the poor working conditions of their workers.

At a time of ecological emergency, why do you continue to buy clothes in grocery stores? fast fashion » ? Is it for the price? For the proposed models? What kind of clothes do you buy there? Can you make these clothes last over time? At the same time, do you buy more ethical and sustainable clothing? You can testify using the form below. Your testimonials will be used to write an article. Thanks in advance.

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