Why can streets only be named after heroes? – Culture

There is a lot of discussion right now about the morals of people from the past. And because a clear conclusion (thumbs down) is usually reached surprisingly quickly in these matters, streets and educational institutions need to be renamed or at least debates must be held about them. The rumors about the alleged unreasonableness of children’s book author Otfried Preußler as the namesake for an Upper Bavarian high school have had the broadest impact. The accusation is that Preußler published the story “Harvest Camp Geyer” as a young man, a work written in the ideological jargon of the Nazi era, whose serious amorality obviously cannot be offset against Preußler’s later books, which warn against abuse of power and subservience to authority. Be that as it may, the tall, often cheerful (“Hotzenplotz”), sometimes gloomy (“Krabat”) moralist Preußler is not suitable as a role model, because, as we read, children have to look up to people who are open to all seduction, every false god, etc have instinctively and courageously turned their backs on every evil way of thinking.

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