Why can betrayals be beneficial?

In our podcast Wait a minute !, we find our meeting “La Bulle”, which speaks of us, of oneself. In this episode, we talk about loyalties and betrayals. Of those which one undergoes, of those which one makes live to the others, and of those which one inflicts on oneself. Considered one of life’s greatest tragedies, can betrayals benefit our mental health? And if, faced with complex life situations, could betrayal bring us psychological well-being?

Why is betrayal part of life?

It is the thesis of Nicole Prieur, philosopher and psychoanalyst, director of the scientific council of the Center for Clinical Studies of Family Communications. In his recent book The necessary betrayals, allow yourself to be yourself published by Robert Laffont (21 euros), she proposes to deconstruct the cultural obligations of loyalty in order to better define and build oneself. It develops the concept of an ethical betrayal, and invites us to reconsider the figure of the traitor.

In this exchange, to listen to in the audio player above, Nicole Prieur believes that betrayal is a basic element of interpersonal relationships. “We cannot not betray. In any relationship, made up of mutual expectation and loyalty to the other, no one can meet all the expectations carried by the other. “

Is it possible to betray responsibly, ethically?

Regarding the betrayals suffered, the tragedy of many relationships, the philosopher underlines that “these are destructive events, sometimes even traumatic, which upset us in our benchmarks, in our relationships. It’s a loss of confidence. But, what we do not always see is that there is a possible life after a betrayal, sometimes even opportunities for rebirth ”. Listen to this entire interview above.

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